
Pride and Schiller Crush them in The Hunter

The Joe Pride-trained Coal Crusher has led them a merry dance in The Hunter.

COAL CRUSHER. Picture: Steve Hart

He'd been thereabouts in all three prior runs this preparation, but the Joe Pride-prepared Coal Crusher ($4.80) has put it all together to take out the $1 million The Hunter at Newcastle

After jumping on terms with them from the inside alley, rider Tyler Schiller pushed his mount along the rails to be in front after travelling only 100m and put some solid tempo into the 1300m affair. 

The Turffontein gelding put a massive gap in them in the home straight and held off all comers including King Of Sparta ($5.50) by one length. Outsider Rocketing By ($31) hit the line strongly for third a further length and a half back. That effort told, with the race breaking the track record at 1.15:49. 

Pride had always had this race in mind as a target, and was pleased he could get the result after a steady campaign. 

"We knew we would be back here and probably qualified, but I wouldn't have gone any further than that," Pride said. 

"But he's come back good this preparation, he's been knocking on the door in harder races." 

Pride's son Brave was seen jumping up and down as they crossed the line and there was good reason why. 

"I love this horse but only about as half as much as my son loves him," Pride said. 

"It's his horse. He adores this horse, that's really special for him." 

It was a bold front-running display by Schiller, a plan that was simply communciated by Pride. 

"To go fast and win," Pride said. 

"That's the way you win on him. I didn't think he needed to go quite that fast but I'm not going to criticise a winning ride. 

"He really busted them up, maybe that's what beat his opposition because he got them all out of their comfort zone." 

It was the first victory on the six-year-old from five rides for Schiller and he was in agreeance that was the best way to get the most out of his mount. 

"He's one of those horses that just thrives off quick speed and he does it all himself, makes his own luck," Schiller said. 

"He found very strong today, he just sustained the high cruising speed that he has." 

The win takes Coal Crusher's earnings over the $1.3 million mark.